Monday, November 2, 2009

The SECOND day of the rest of my life...?

Cheeeeeeeziness- delicious!

You might enjoy this song if you also enjoy watching romantic comedies in your pajamas.

It was recorded in a practice room at the UVic school of music.

My apologies for all mistakes, pauses-while-I-find-the-right-notes, excessive swaying and head bobbing, and for the two times when I scratched my chin.

Peace and Enjoy (:


  1. lyrics:

    tea cups to fight the rain
    three words there's yet to say
    la la la...
    some words are meaningless
    others are eloquent
    is it a game we play?
    why do we hide away from love (love love)?

  2. romantic comedies in my pajamas . . . that's me. :)

    So, um, how did you play the higher notes in your left hand and the bass in your right? Backwards pianos?

  3. oh i think my computer camera reverses everything, like a mirror :)

  4. this is the best blog ever. HUG!!! love you bethi
