Sunday, November 1, 2009

The first day of the rest of my life?

Here is song number one of the Newvember Songs series, yeay! Its here!! This song was inspired by my walk downtown today, in which I purchased a new pair of socks. It also refers to the facts that today is the first day of Newvember, as well as the first day of the rest of my life.

This video features the water glasses played by Emka, Cayenne pepper rice shaker/ aesthetic prop played by Mona Lisa, and Ukulele and vocals played by me. It was filmed in front of the craft table at The Stank.

Please also note the ostinato in the water glasses. That is my favorite part.


  1. Its soo good, but especially the part at the end. ostantageous? Comin to victoria next weekend. Hope you are ready for us.

  2. Hey Bethi,

    Song #1 is beautiful - love the water glasses, and of course your beautiful voice. Looking forward to hearing more.


  3. Lyrics:

    today could be the first day
    today could be the start of something good
    today could be the first day of the rest of my life

    i can walk down victory streets
    and sing songs of jubilee
    with new socks on my feet
    and japanese pagoda trees

    today could be the first day of the rest of my life...
