Friday, November 27, 2009

Haikus for my Childhood in Langley

Look at my foot! Look at my hat! Look at all the haikus I wrote!


  1. lyrics:

    winter corner warmth
    every blanket and pillow
    a snuggle buggle

    teddy bear family
    my nose and eyes are askew
    somehow this makes sense

    my brother sister
    my mother and my father
    and my grandmother

    brother felt left out
    so sister day was cancelled
    sister night instead

    but i'm so comfortable
    sleepovers on the top bunk
    i sang you to sleep

    my sister sister
    my father and my mother
    and my big brother

    seatbelt under arm
    practicing inside my head
    piano lessons

    dining room table
    orange juice and trembling hands
    butterfly pinkies

    my father mother
    my sister and my brother
    and my grandmother

    v-darts china dolls
    wooden spoon hallway soccer
    and the paper route

    coco and slurpee
    the neighbours and all their pets

    my neighbour neighbour
    neighbour to the right neighbour
    and his lawnmower

    my mother father
    my brother and my sister
    and my grandmother

  2. haha oh i love the pre-song cough!

    your foot is so 3-D that it looks like its popping out of the screen!

    I really like the choruses and the stories behind the verses!

  3. I would like this, except you totally cheated on some of those "Haikus"!!! ;) Yeah, as usual, I love it.

  4. if you kind of jam some of the words together it fits. as in
    "but i'm", think of it more as bdime, and "comfortable" think of it as comf ter ble.
