Wednesday, November 24, 2010

a christmas cover

here is a cover of a song i like from sufjan stevens christmas album.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

a song every once and a while keeps the november blues away...

This song took me a couple days. I'm not sure if the words are quite right yet...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Things that go through my head??

Here is a little song I wrote in the Superstore parking lot- some pretty deep thoughts were going through my head at the time...

That is me accompanying myself on Garage Band- just a midnight stroke of brilliance, haha.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Long-Distance Love Part 2

So we meant to record the finished song on Friday night while Addison was in town but things got a little too crazy- I guess the skype version is a little more legit anyways...
So here it is with a few more verses. You have to really strain to hear Addison at times but its totally worth it : )

So Newvember's been off to a slow start this time around but I'm hoping to launch into the rest of the month with much enthusiasm and creativity- no more skipping days!

Maybe tomorrow I will write a song about my thermal socks (because I love them soooooo much).

Sunday's "Song"

I didn't write a song on Sunday. But I did paint this picture.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Long-Distance Love Part 1

Here is a little tune Addison and I are writing together to commemorate our 11 monthiversary from a distance. What's so long distance about it if you're singing the song together you might ask. Well you might think Addison is in the room with me singing the song but he is in fact on SKYPE singing across cyberspace and time! You can't see him but I can (he's on my computer screen)- so high tech! We're basically living in the future.
Look forward to Part 2 tomorrow, in which Addison comes to Vancouver and we sing the completed song (all the little hummy bits will have words) together. Together together (:

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Imaginary Friend

On Monday night I went out for coffee with Addison for what was supposed to be a nice time together before he caught the ferry back to Victoria. It was a nice time, but unfortunately I spent most of it complaining about how tired and busy I was and blah blah blah.
This song is about that and also about how glad I am that Addison is a real person that I can talk to.

The ringing phone sound at the end of the song is coming from my computer not yours.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The beginning of the end?

Here is song number one for this month, written by Beth and Len.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Part 2 A Song a Day

Can it be done a second time?? I'm not sure but I'm going to try.